Thursday, March 5, 2020

Best Ways to Use Facebook as a College Student

Best Ways to Use Facebook as a College Student Facebook Groups Facebook is all about being social, making connections, and networking. So why not have a meeting of the minds with people interested in the same things as you? There are millions of Facebook groups out there that can be tailored to exactly what you might be interested in. You can connect with people in your area, with people from your school, with those interested in the same extracurricular activities, and more! You can stay up to date with the latest trends in that field or area with conveniently placed threads from the group popping up through your newsfeed. If that is too much for you, you can change your notification settings or how the information from the group pops up in your everyday timeline. You can set it so that you only learn what is going on in the group if you decide to go directly to the group’s page. It is up to you. Whatever you are looking for, though to have a dialogue, to meet new people, to advertise yourself Facebook groups can be a great way to do it. Do you have events you want to advertise? Why not join groups that are filled with people that are interested in those kinds of events and share it with them? It could be just what they are looking for too. Not sure what classes to take? Why not join a student group of your peers who have been grappling with the same decisions for advice? You never know who or what you might stumble upon to help you move forward. Business Pages If there is something you do or something you want to help advertise, it can be really beneficial to make a Facebook page for it! I am not talking about a page for memes or something, though it needs to be something that can really help your career (unless creating a page for memes can somehow help you). Do you have an organization that you want to help become more widely known? You can make it a business page, whether it is for a student organization you are a part of or a business that you work for or own. Creating a page does not cost money (unless you choose to pay for ads) and it creates a direct link between you and the audience you either have or want to have. You can help it to branch out and connect with the people who are interested and want to support your work as well as getting the word out about what exactly it is that you are doing. If you want to market yourself, you can create a professional business page for yourself that keeps people in the loop about what you are doing professionally. That way you can avoid feeling like you are bragging on your personal page and can help create a distance between your professional and social lives. Announcements Milestones You often have a great network of peers and friends at your disposal on Facebook. But is everyone aware of what you have been up to? Of course not! You cannot expect everyone in your Facebook network to know exactly what you are doing and what you plan to do. But without knowing that, how can they be involved or support you? Whether or not it feels like bragging, you can certainly let your friends on Facebook know when you have accomplished something or hit a milestone. Just got a job that you are really excited about? Post about it. Just got awarded a grant for a research project? Share the details of what you are working on. Super passionate about a cause? Do not be afraid to share who you are, what you are doing, and what you stand for loud and proud. Or, if you do not feel comfortable making a post, you can create a milestone event. That way even in the future, you can track and look back at all the great accomplishments you made and when.

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